This page contains a listing of the Accelerated Revisions previously posted in the Official Text section of The list contains links to all archived Revision Bulletins (RBs) and Interim Revision Announcements (IRAs) arranged by the year in which each revision was removed from the main page (generally approximately one year after becoming official):
2023 Archived Revisions
- Abacavir Oral Solution Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Feb–2022; official 01–Mar–2022)
- Abiraterone Acetate Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 04–May–2022; official 05–May–2022)
- Aripiprazole Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Feb–2022; official 01–Mar–2022)
- Carbidopa and Levodopa Orally Disintegrating Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 29-Apr-2022; official 01-May-2022)
- Carbidopa and Levodopa Tablets (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–May–2022)
- Chlorzoxazone Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–Apr–2022)
- Diclofenac Potassium for Oral Solution Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Mar–2022; official 31–Mar–2022)
- Divalproex Sodium Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 16–Mar–2022; official 17–Mar–2022)
- Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 28–Jan–2022; official 01–Feb–2022)
- Ipratropium Bromide Inhalation Solution (posted 19–Nov–2021; official 01–Jan–2022)
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 06–Jan–2022; official 07–Jan–2022)
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 28–Jan–2022; official 01–Feb–2022)
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–Apr–2022)
- Methotrexate (posted 28–Jan–2022; official 01–Mar–2022)
- Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate for Injection Notice and Monograph (posted 04–May–2022; official 05–May–2022)
- Metolazone Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 14–Apr–2022; official 15–Apr–2022)
- Nandrolone Decanoate Notice and Monograph Notice and Monograph (posted 28–Jan–2022; official 01–Feb–2022)
- Nicardipine Hydrochloride Injection Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–Apr–2022)
- Orlistat (posted 19–Nov–2021; official 01–Jan–2022)
- Orlistat Capsules (posted 19–Nov–2021; official 01–Jan–2022)
- Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–Apr–2022)
- Paclitaxel (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–May–2022)
- Selenemethionine (posted 28–Jan–2022; official 01–Mar–2022)
- Tetracycline (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–May–2022)
- Tetracycline Hydrochloride (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–May–2022)
- Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules (posted 25–Mar–2022; official 01–May–2022)
- Vancomycin Injection Notice and Monograph (posted 29-Apr-2022; official 01-May-2022)
2022 Archived Revisions
- (+)-1-(9-Fluoroenyl) ethyl Chloroformate Solution Reagent and Notice (posted 28–May–2021; official 01–Jun–2021) | En español
- <661.1> Plastic Materials of Construction (posted 26–Feb–2021; official 01–Mar–2021) | En español
- Abiraterone Acetate Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Acetaminophen Oral Suspension Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Albendazole Tablets (posted 02–Mar–2021; official 03–Mar–2021) | En español
- Alprazolam Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Amiodarone Hydrochloride Tablets (posted 29–Jan–2021; official 01–Feb–2021) | En español
- Amlodipine and Olmesartan Medoxomil Tablets (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Apr–2021)
- Amoxicillin Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Amoxicillin Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Azeotropic Isopropyl Alcohol Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Jul–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Baclofen Injection Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Jun–2021; official 01–Jul–2021)
- Baclofen Injection Notice and Monograph (posted 19–Nov–2021; official 01–Dec–2021)
- Benazepril Hydrochloride and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Benztropine Mesylate (posted 29–Jan–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Benztropine Mesylate Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Jun–2021; official 01–Jul–2021)
- Budesonide Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Jun–2021; official 01–Jul–2021)
- Bupropion Hydrochloride Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–Aug–2021) | En español
- Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021
- Buspirone Hydrochloride Tablets Monograph and Notice (posted 28–May–2021; official 01–Jun–2021) |En español
- Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride and Clidinium Bromide Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 04–Nov–2021; official 05–Nov–2021)
- Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Oral Concentrate Notice and Monograph (posted 14–Jun–2021; official 15–Jun–2021)
- Chlorzoxazone Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Clonidine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Codeine Phosphate Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Desmopressin Acetate (posted 29–Jan–2021; official 01–Mar–2021) | En español
- Dexamethasone Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 02–Nov–2021; official 03–Nov–2021)
- Diclofenac Sodium Topical Solution (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Apr–2021) | En español
- Diltiazem Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules (posted 26–Feb–2021; official 01– Mar–2021) | En español
- Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Oral Solution Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Diphenhydramine and Phenylephrine Hydrochlorides Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Divalproex Sodium Delayed-Release Capsules (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Apr–2021) | En español
- Divalproex Sodium Delayed-Release Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Doxepin Hydrochloride Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Ethacrynic Acid Tablets (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Apr–2021) | En español
- Extended Phenytoin Sodium Capsules (posted 26–Feb–2021; official 01–Mar–2021)
- Fenofibrate Capsules Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) |En español
- Apr-2023)
- Filgrastim (posted 20–Nov–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Gemfibrozil Tablets (posted 26–Mar–2021; official May 1, 2021)
- Glycine Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Ioversol (posted 26–Mar–2021; official May 1, 2021)
- Ioversol Injection (posted 26–Mar–2021; official May 1, 2021)
- Isopropyl Alcohol Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Jul–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Lauroyl Polyoxyglycerides Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Lovastatin Tablets Monograph and Notice (posted 28–May–2021; official 01–Jun–2021) | En español
- Mercaptopurine (published 30–Jul–2021;official 01-Sep-2021)
- Mesalamine Delayed-Release Tablets Monograph and Notice (posted 28–May–2021; official 01–Jun–2021) | En español
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 26–Feb–2021; official 01–Mar–2021)
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 16–Sep–2021; official 17–Sep–2021)
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 19–Nov–2021; official 01–Dec–2021)
- Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Minocycline Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Nicotine Transdermal System (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Nifedipine Extended-Release Tablets (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Apr–2021) | En español
- Nifedipine Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Jul–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Nitrofurantoin Capsules Monograph and Notice (posted 28–May–2021; official 01–Jun–2021) | En español
- Olmesartan Medoxomil Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Jul–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Oxcarbazepine Oral Suspension Notice and Monograph (posted 28–Jul–2021; official 29–Jul–2021)
- Oxybutynin Chloride Tablets (posted 26–Mar–2021; official 01–Apr–2021) | En español
- Paroxetine Hydrochloride (posted 26–Mar–2021; official May 1, 2021)
- Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Jul–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Potassium Citrate Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 25–Jun–2021; official 01–Jul–2021)
- Prasugrel Tablets Monograph and Notice (posted 28–May–2021; official 01–Aug–2021) | En español
- Pyrazinamide Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Quinidine Gluconate Extended-Release Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 07–Oct–2021; official 08–Oct–2021)
- Ribose (posted 29–Jan–2021; official 01–Mar–2021) | En español
- Ropivacaine Hydrochloride (posted 23–Feb–2021; official 24–Feb–2021) | En español
- Rotigotine Notice and Monograph (posted 29–Oct–2021; official 01–Nov–2021)
- Rufinamide Tablets Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Apr–2021; official 01–May–2021) | En español
- Sucrose Notice and Monograph (posted 30–Jul–2021; official 01–Aug–2021)
- Sulfamethoxazole (posted 26–Mar–2021; official May 1, 2021)
- Temozolomide (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Mar–2021)
- Temozolomide Capsules (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Mar–2021)
- Temozolomide for Injection (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Mar–2021)
- Triamcinolone Acetonide Nasal Spray (posted 29–Jan–2021; official 01–Mar–2021) | En español
- Venlafaxine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules (posted 26–Feb–2021; official 01–Mar–2021)
2021 Archived Revisions
- <467> Residual Solvents (posted 27–Sep–2019; official 01–Nov–2019) |En español
- <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding— Nonsterile Preparations (posted 24–Apr–2020; official 01–May–2020)
- <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding— Sterile Preparations (posted 24–Apr–2020; official 01–May–2020)
- <800> Hazardous Drugs–Handling in Healthcare Settings (posted 26–Jun–2020; official 01–Jul–2020) | En español
- <825> Radiopharmaceuticals— Preparation, Compounding, Dispensing, and Repackaging (posted 29–May–2020; official 01–Dec–2020) | En español
- Alcohol (posted 17–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Amiodarone Hydrochloride Tablets (posted 29–May–2020; official 01–Jun–2020) | En español
- Amlodipine and Atorvastatin Tablets (posted posted 26–Nov–2019, official 27–Nov–2019) | En español
- Amlodipine and Olmesartan Medoxomil Tablets (posted 28–Feb–2020; official 01–Mar–2020) | En español
- Atomoxetine Capsules (posted 31–Jan–2020; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Atropine Sulfate Ophthalmic Solution (posted 27–Sep–2019; official 01–Nov–2019) | En español
- Buprenorphine and Naloxone Sublingual Tablets (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Aug–2020) | En español
- Calcium Acetate Capsules (posted 26–Dec–2019; official 01–Jan–2020) | En español
- Calcium Acetate Capsules (posted 20–Nov–2020; official 01–Dec–2020) | En español
- Carbamazepine Extended-Release Tablets (posted 26–Dec–2019; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Cetyl Alcohol (posted 25–Sep–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride Tablets (posted 15–Sep–2020; official 16–Sep–2020) | En español
- Clomipramine Hydrochloride Capsules (posted 07–Jul–2020; official 08–Jul–2020) | En español
- Clonidine Transdermal System (posted 28–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride (posted 26–Dec–2019; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Dehydrated Alcohol (posted 17–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Dextrose Excipient (posted 28–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Diethyl Sebacate (posted 26–Jan–2018; official 01–Mar–2018)
- Diltiazem Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules (posted 31–Jan–2020; official 01–Feb–2020) | En español
- Diphenydramine Hydrochloride and Ibuprofen Capsules (posted 24–Apr–2020; official 01–May–2020)
- Donepazil Hydrochloride Tablets (posted 24–Apr–2020; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection (posted 28–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Doxycycline Calcium Oral Suspension (posted 26–Dec–2019; official 01–Jan–2020) | En español
- Doxycycline Hyclate Delayed-Release Tablets (posted 25–Sep–2020; official 01–Oct–2020) | En español
- Doxycycline Hyclate Tablets (posted 28–Feb–2020; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed-Release Capsules (posted 26–Jun–2020; official 01–Jul–2020)
- Ethacrynic Acid Tablets (posted 25–Sep–2020; official 01–Oct–2020) | En español
- Extended Insulin Zinc Suspension (posted 29–Mar–2019; official 01–May–2019) | En español
- Fluconazole Tablets (posted 31–Jan–2020; official 01–Feb–2020) |En español
- Fluphenazine Hydrochloride Tablets (posted 20–Jul–2020; official 21–Jul–2020) | En español
- Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay (posted 30–Oct–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Formoterol Fumarate (posted 22-–Nov–2019; official 01–Jan–2020) | En español
- Goserelin Acetate (posted 27–Mar–2020; official 01–May–2020)
- Human Insulin Isophane Suspension and Human Insulin Injection (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan– 2019) | En español
- Insulin (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Insulin Aspart Injection (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Insulin Injection (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Insulin Lispro (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Insulin Lispro Injection (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Insulin Zinc Suspension (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Isophane Insulin Human Suspension (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Isophane Insulin Suspension (posted 30–Nov–2018; official 01–Jan–2019) | En español
- Levetiracetam Extended-Release Tablets (posted 26–Dec–2019; official 01–Jan–2020) | En español
- Levothyroxine Sodium (posted 26–Jul–2019; official 01–Sep–2019) | En español
- Loperamide Hydrochloride (posted 29–May–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Medium Chain Triglycerides (posted 25–Jan–2019; official 01–Mar–2019) | En español
- Mesalamine Delayed-Release Tablets (posted 22–Nov–2019; 01–May–2020) | En español
- Mesalamine Delayed-Release Tablets (posted 24–Apr–2020; updated 01–May–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Mesalamine Delayed-Release Tablets (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Metaxolone Tablets (posted 28–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Mesalamine Extended-Release Capsules (posted 29–May–2020; official 01–Jun–2020) | En español
- Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 27–Apr–2020; official 28–Apr–2020) | En español
- Metoprolol Succinate Extended-Release Tablets (posted 30–Oct–2020; official 01–Nov–2020)
- Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 25–Sep–2020; official 01–Oct–2020) | En español
- Metyrosine Capsules (posted 21–Sep–2020; official 22–Sep–2020) | En español
- Montelukast Sodium Chewable Tablets (posted 29–May–2020; official 01–Jun–2020) | En español
- Montelukast Sodium Tablets (posted 22–Nov–2019; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Morphine Sulfate Compounded Injection (posted 26–Jul–2019; official 01–Sep–2019) | En español
- N-Acetylglucosamine (posted 29–May–2020; official 01–Jun–2020) | En español
- Naloxone Hydrochloride Injection (posted 28–Aug–2020; official 01–Sep–2020) | En español
- Niacin Extended-Release Tablets (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Aug–2020) | En español
- Nifedipine Extended-Release Tablets (posted 22–Nov–2019; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Nitrofurantoin Capsules (posted 30–Oct–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Olanzapine Tablets (posted 24–Apr–2020; official 01–May–2020) | En español
- Olmesartan Medoxomil Tablets (posted 31–Jan–2020; official 01–Feb–2020) | En español
- Parachlorophenol (posted 30–Oct–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Polyethylene Glycol 3350 (posted 20–Nov–2020, updated 25–Nov–2020; official 01–Dec–2020) | En español
- Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Capsules (posted 18–Dec–2020; official 01–Jan–2021) | En español
- Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 23–Mar–2020; official 24–Mar–2020) | En español
- Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Tablets (posted 18–May–2020; official 19–May–2020) | En español
- Potassium Citrate Extended-Release Tablets (posted 30–Oct–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Prazosin Hydrochloride Capsules (posted 26–Jun–2020; official 01–Jul–2020) | En español
- Prazosin Hydrochloride Capsules (posted 26–Jun–2020; official 01–Jul–2020) | En español
- Prednisone Tablets (posted 07–Jul–2020; official 08–Jul–2020) | En español
- Propafenone Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules (posted 06–Aug–2020; official 07–Aug–2020) | En español
- Propranolol Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Aug–2020) | En español
- Quinine Sulfate Capsules (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Aug–2020) | En español
- Stearyl Alcohol (posted 25–Sep–2020; official 01–Nov–2020) | En español
- Telmisartan and Amlodipine Tablets (posted 25–Sep–2020; official 01–Dec–2020) | En español
- Travoprost Ophthalmic Solution (posted 31–Jul–2020; official 01–Sep–2020)
- Zolmitriptan (posted 27–Mar–2020; official 01–May–2020)
- Zolmitriptan Orally Disintegrating Tablets (posted 24–Apr–2020; official 01–May–2020) | En español
2016-2020 Archived Revision
Pre-2016 Archived Revisions
Accelerated Revision History File (official prior to 2015)