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POWDERED TURMERIC EXTRACT COMPOSITION/Content of Curcuminoids/Chromatographic system USP39–NF34 6868 1-Feb-2017 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Column: Change
4.6-mm × 20-cm;
4.6-mm × 25-cm;
PROMETHAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE ORAL SOLUTION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8787 1-Feb-2017 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Promethazine Related Compound B RS: Change
C17H20N2S 282.42
Isopromethazine hydrochloride;
N,N-Dimethyl-2-(10H-… Read More
THEOPHYLLINE ORAL SOLUTION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8846 1-Feb-2017 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 3 of USP Theophylline Related Compound D RS: Change
C6H10N4O 154.17
N-Methyl-5-(methylamino)-1H-imidazole-4-carboxamide hydrochloride monohydrate.
C6… Read More
ATROPINE SULFATE DEFINITION USP39–NF34 2638 1-Feb-2017 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2: Change
(C17H23NO32 · H2SO4),
[(C17H23NO3)2 · H2SO4],
GALANTAMINE EXTENDED-RELEASE CAPSULES PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 3 USP40–NF35 4367 1-Feb-2017 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1of Buffer: Change
To each L of 6.8-g/L potassium phosphate
To each L of 6.8 g/L of monobasic potassium phosphate
<670> AUXILIARY PACKAGING COMPONENTS DESICCANTS/Silica Gel/Inorganic Impurities USP39–NF34 510 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Soluble ionizable salts: Change
(as NaSO3):
(as Na2SO4):
DIGOXIN INJECTION IDENTIFICATION/B. USP39–NF34 3493 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Procedure: Change
Proceed as directed for Procedure in the test for Related glycosides under Digoxin, except to omit the use of the Gitoxin standard solution.
Apply 10 µL of the Test solution and 10 µL of the Standard solution… Read More
POWDERED CHASTE TREE EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS USP39–NF34 6553 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Change
Microbial Enumeration Tests <2021>: The total bacterial count does not exceed 104 cfu/g. The total combined molds and yeasts count does not exceed 1000 cfu/g. It meets the requirements of the tests for absence of Salmonella species and Escherichia coli… Read More
NAPHAZOLINE HYDROCHLORIDE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8105 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 16 of Analysis: Change
Calculate the percentage of any individual unspecified impurity
Calculate the percentage of any other individual impurity
Line 20 of Analysis: Change
rU = peak response of any individual unspecified… Read More
OMEGA-3-ACID ETHYL ESTERS CAPSULES SPECIFIC TESTS/Concentration of Omega-3-Acid Ethyl Esters Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8755 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 21: Change
CU = nominal concentration of the total omega-3-acid ethyl esters in the Sample solution (g/mL)
CU = Capsule fill content of the Sample solution (g/mL)
CYCLOBENZAPRINE HYDROCHLORIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP39–NF34 3333 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Cyclobenzaprine Related Compound B RS: Change
C19H19N 261.36
3-(5H-Dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-N-methyl-1-propanamine… Read More
RIBOFLAVIN 5′-PHOSPHATE SODIUM ASSAY/Procedure USP39–NF34 5698 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of Instrumental conditions: Change
Nephelometry, Turbidimetry, and Visual Comparison <855>
Fluorescence Spectroscopy <853>
GUAR GUM ASSAY/Content of Galactomannan and Ratio of Constituting Mannose and Galactose First Supplement to USP39–NF34 7964 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 4 of Analysis: Change
Standard solution B
Sample solution B
DEXTROSE IDENTIFICATION/C. Water Determination <921> Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8612 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1: Change
Water Determination <921>
Water Determination <921>, Method I
<661.1> PLASTIC MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION TEST METHODS USP40–NF35 542 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Physicochemical Tests/Acidity or Alkalinity/BRP indicator solution: Change
1.0 mg/mL of bromophenol blue,
1.0 mg/mL of bromothymol blue,
Line 3 of Plastic Additives/Polyethylene, Cyclic Olefins, and Polypropylene/Phenolic… Read More
BETAXOLOL OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP39–NF34 2749 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 14 of Analysis: Change
Mr1 = molecular weight of betaxolol hydrochloride, 343.89
Mr2 = molecular weight of betaxolol, 307.43
Mr1 = molecular weight of betaxolol, 307.43
Mr2… Read More
DIGOXIN ORAL SOLUTION IDENTIFICATION/B. USP39–NF34 3493 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Procedure: Change
Proceed as directed for Procedure in the test for Related glycosides under Digoxin, except to omit the use of the Gitoxin standard solution.
Apply 10 µL of the Test solution and 10 µL of the Standard solution… Read More
CHONDROITIN SULFATE SODIUM IMPURITIES USP39–NF34 6566 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Residue on Ignition <281>: Change
20.0%–30.0% on the dried basis
CIPROFLOXACIN ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8597 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Ciprofloxacin Ethylenediamine Analog RS: Change
7-(2-Aminoethylamino)-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid.
C15H16FN3O3 305.30
1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-[(2-aminoethyl)… Read More
POVIDONE IMPURITIES/Formic Acid Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8778 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 3 of Sample solution: Change
column of about 80 mm
column of about 8 mm
<661.2> PLASTIC PACKAGING SYSTEMS FOR PHARMACEUTICAL USE TEST METHODS/Physicochemical Tests/Water Extraction/Acidity or alkalinity USP39–NF34 506 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of Methyl red TS 2: Change
NMT 0.1 mL of 0.02 N hydrochloric acid
NMT 0.1 mL of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide
DESMOPRESSIN ACETATE IDENTIFICATION/A. Mass Spectral Analysis USP39–NF34 3387 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 6 of Instrumental conditions: Delete
Flow rate: 0.7 mL/min
Injection volume: 10 µL/min
SUCCINYLCHOLINE CHLORIDE INJECTION IDENTIFICATION USP39–NF34 5922 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1: Change
It responds to Identification tests B and C under Succinylcholine Chloride.
A. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as obtained in the Assay.… Read More
MINOCYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Table 6 First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8101 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Footnote c: Change
(4S,4aS,5aR,12aS)-4-Dimethylamino-3,10,12,12a-tetrahydroxy-7-… Read More
OMEGA-3-ACID ETHYL ESTERS CAPSULES ASSAY/Content of EPAee, DHAee, and Total Omega-3-Acid Ethyl Esters Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8755 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 21 of Analysis: Change
CU = nominal concentration of the total omega-3-acid ethyl esters in the Sample solution (g/mL)
CU = Capsule fill content of the Sample solution (g/mL)
DUTASTERIDE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities, Procedure 2/Table 4 USP40–NF35 3924 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Footnote a: Change
(5α,17β)-N-[2,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-3-oxo-4-azaandrost-17 carboxamide.
CARBIDOPA ASSAY/Procedure USP39–NF34 2924 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 3: Change
Mobile phase: Alcohol and 0.05 M monobasic sodium phosphate, adjusted with phosphoric acid to a pH of 2.7 (5:95)
Buffer: 0.05 M monobasic sodium phosphate, adjusted with phosphoric acid to a pH of 2.7
Mobile phase: Alcohol and Buffer (5:… Read More
DIGOXIN TABLETS IDENTIFICATION/A. USP39–NF34 3494 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Procedure: Change
Proceed as directed for Procedure in the test for Related glycosides under Digoxin, except to omit the use of the Gitoxin standard solution.
Apply 10 µL of the Test solution and 10 µL of the Standard solution… Read More
<1207> STERILE PRODUCT PACKAGING−INTEGRITY EVALUATION 5. PRODUCT–PACKAGE QUALITY REQUIREMENTS AND THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE LIMIT/5.1 Sterility and Product Formulation Content must be Preserved; Gas Headspace Content Preservation is not Required First Supplement to USP39–NF34 7764 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 3 of paragraph 5: Change
ultra-cold storage (<80°)
ultra-cold storage (≤−80°)
CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP39–NF35 8600 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Ciprofloxacin Ethylenediamine Analog RS: Change
7-(2-Aminoethylamino)-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid.
C15H16FN3O3 305.30
1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7-[(2-aminoethyl)… Read More
ROPINIROLE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 1 Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8814 1-Dec-2016 USP41–NF36 Second Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of Buffer 1: Adjust with Solution A to a pH of 4.0.
Adjust with Solution A to a pH of 4.0. Dilute with water to 1 L.
CALCIUM GLUCONATE CHEMICAL INFORMATION USP39–NF34 2877 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 5: Change
PHENYTOIN SODIUM IDENTIFICATION/B. Identification Tests—General, Sodium <191> USP39–NF34 5388 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2: Change
tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution,
tetramethylammonium hydroxide TS,
VITAMIN A ORAL LIQUID PREPARATION ASSAY/Vitamin A USP39–NF34 6374 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 7 of Analysis: Change
Result = (rU/rS) × (C/W) × (V/D) × U × (100/L)
Result = (rU/rS) × (C/W) × D × U… Read More
OXYMETAZOLINE HYDROCHLORIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8116 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 USP Oxymetazoline Related Compound A RS: Change
C16H26N2O2 278.39
N-(2-Aminoethyl)-2-[4-(tert-butyl)-3-hydroxy-2,6-dimethylphenyl]… Read More
DESLORATADINE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP39–NF34 8607 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Desloratadine Related Compound B RS: Change
C19H19ClN2 310.82
8-Chloro-11-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)-6,11-dihydro-5… Read More
NORFLOXACIN SPECIFIC TESTS/Loss on Drying <731> USP39–NF34 5101 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Analysis: Change
Dry at 100° to constant weight.
Dry under vacuum at a pressure not exceeding 5 mm of mercury at 100° to constant weight.
PROPOFOL INJECTABLE EMULSION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP39–NF34 5575 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Propofol Related Compound B RS: Change
<800> HAZARDOUS DRUGS—HANDLING IN HEALTHCARE SETTINGS APPENDICES/Appendix 3: Types of Biological Safety Cabinets/Class II First Supplement to USP39–NF34 7721 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 5 of Type A1 (formerly, Type A): Change
Line 5 of Type A2 (formerly, Type B3): Change
Line 5 of Type B1: Change
Read More
PERINDOPRIL ERBUMINE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8127 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Perindopril Related Compound A RS: Change
(2S,3aS,7aS)-Octahydro-1H-indole-2-carboxylic acid hydrochloride.
C17H28N2O5 · HCl 205.68
(2S,3aS,7aS)-Octahydro-1H-… Read More
CALCIUM GLUCONATE INJECTION DEFINITION USP39–NF34 2879 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 8: Change
It may contain sodium hydroxide added for adjustment of the pH.
It may contain sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid added for adjustment of the pH.
POTASSIUM CITRATE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS OTHER COMPONENTS/Content of Potassium USP39–NF34 5465 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 10 of Analysis: Change
Result = (C/CU) × [Mr/(3 × Ar)] × 100
Result = C × 100/CU
Line 13 of Analysis: Change
CU =… Read More
ST. JOHN'S WORT SPECIFIC TESTS USP39–NF34 6817 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Insert missing test:
Articles of Botanical Origin <561>, Methods of Analysis, Total Ash: NMT 5.0%
OXYMETAZOLINE HYDROCHLORIDE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Table 2 First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8116 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Row 2 of Column 1: Change
Oxymetazoline related compound A
Oxymetazoline related compound Aa
Add footnote a:
<1010> ANALYTICAL DATA—INTERPRETATION AND TREATMENT APPENDIX C: EXAMPLES OF OUTLIER TESTS FOR ANALYTICAL DATA/Hampel's Rule USP39–NF34 767 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Row 13 of Column 4 of Table 5. Test Results of Re-Applied Hampel's Rule: Change
PARICALCITOL INJECTION IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Chromatographic system/Columns USP39–NF34 5279 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 1 of Guard: Change
4.6-mm × 7.5-mm; packing L1
4.6-mm × 7.5-mm or 4.6-mm × 10-mm; packing L1
TRAVOPROST OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP39–NF34 6226 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of USP Travoprost Related Compound A RS: Change
(5Z,13E)-(9S,11R,15R)-9,11,15-Trihydroxy-16-(m-trifluoromethylphenoxy)-17,18,19,20-tetranor-5,13-prostadienoic acid.
(5Z,13E)-(9S,11R,15R)-9,11,15-… Read More
DANTROLENE SODIUM IDENTIFICATION/D. First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8035 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of Solution A: Change
tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution
tetramethylammonium hydroxide TS
PERINDOPRIL ERBUMINE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Table 2 First Supplement to USP39–NF34 8127 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 2 of footnote g: Change
FLUORESCEIN SODIUM ASSAY/Procedure USP39–NF34 3960 1-Oct-2016 USP41–NF36 First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Line 3 of Standard stock solution: Change
1.0 mg/mL of fluorescein sodium in Diluent is prepared as follows.
1.0 mg/mL of fluorescein sodium is prepared as follows.