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HYOSCYAMINE SULFATE USP Reference standards <11> USP37–NF32 3293 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of USP Hyoscyamine Related Compound A RS: Change
(1R,3r,5S)-8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl(2S)-3-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanoate sulfate (2:1).
POTASSIUM SODIUM TARTRATE Identification/C: USP37–NF32 4369 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Change
A solution (1 in 10) responds to the tests for Tartrate <191>.
Responds to the tests for Tartrate <191>.
TRIBASIC CALCIUM PHOSPHATE IMPURITIES/Dibasic Salt and Calcium Oxide USP37–NF32 5883 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Delete the subsection
Blank: 25.0 mL of Titrant
TRAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6708 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of USP Trazodone Related Compound D RS: Change
(2-{3-[4-(4-Bromophenyl)piperazin-1-yl]propyl}-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-α]pyridin-3(2H)-one hydrochloride.
2-{3-[4-(3-Bromophenyl)piperazin-1-yl]propyl}-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-α]pyridin-3(2H)-one hydrochloride.
<659> PACKAGING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DEFINITIONS USP37–NF32 315 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Single-Dose (see also Injections <1>, Containers for Injections): Change
A single-unit package for an article intended for parenteral administration. Examples of single-dose containers include prefilled syringes, cartridges, fusion-sealed containers, and closure-… Read More
SODIUM PICOSULFATE CHEMICAL INFORMATION Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 7253 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 5: Change
Disodium 4,4′-(pyridin-2-ylmethanediyl)dibenzenesulfonate
Disodium 4,4′-(pyridin-2-ylmethanediyl)dibenzenesulfate
FLUDARABINE PHOSPHATE IMPURITIES/Limit of Sodium USP37–NF32 3003 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
1 µg/mL of sodium chloride in water
1 µg/mL of sodium in water
NIFEDIPINE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 2 Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 Online 1-Dec-2014 USP38–NF33 USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Solution A: Change
sodium phosphate
dibasic sodium phosphate
MINOCYCLINE FOR INJECTION IMPURITIES USP37–NF32 3843 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 6 of Limit of Epiminocycline: Change
[Note—The relative retention times for epiminocycline and minocycline are 0.86 and 1.0, respectively.]
[Note—The relative retention times for epiminocycline and minocycline are 0.7 and 1.0, respectively.]
SULFAMETHOXAZOLE AND TRIMETHOPRIM INJECTION ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 4784 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 3 of Standard solution: Change
in Mobile phase from Sample stock solution
in Mobile phase from Standard stock solution
SAW PALMETTO EXTRACT COMPOSITION/Content of Long-Chain Alcohols and Sterols USP37–NF32 5545 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 3 of Acceptance criteria:Add
The lipophilic Extract contains 0.15%–0.35% of long-chain alcohols, and the hydroalcoholic Extract contains 0.01%–0.15% of long-chain alcohols on the anhydrous basis.
ERYTHROMYCIN DELAYED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 1/Buffer stage First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6633 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
0.28 mg/mL of USP Erythromycin RS in Medium
Dissolve USP Erythromycin RS in Medium to obtain a concentration similar to that of the Sample solution.
Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
Pass portions of… Read More
POLYSORBATE 80 SPECIFIC TESTS/Fats and Fixed Oils, Acid Value <401> Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 7089 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Analysis: Change
with 0.1 N potassium hydroxide or 0.1 N sodium hydroxide
with 0.1 N potassium hydroxide VS or 0.1 N sodium hydroxide VS
CEFUROXIME AXETIL FOR ORAL SUSPENSION ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 2243 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Change
Buffer: 23 mg/mL of monobasic ammonium phosphate in water
Solution A: 23 g/L of monobasic ammonium phosphate in water
Line 4 of System suitability solution: Change
Dilute with Buffer to volume.
Dilute with Solution A to… Read More
GANODERMA LUCIDUM FRUITING BODY POWDER COMPOSITION/Content of Triterpenoic Acids Revision Bulletin (Official August 01, 2014) Online 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution A: Change
USP Ganoderic Acid RS
USP Ganoderic Acid A RS
Line 3 of variable definition list in Analysis: Change
rS = peak area of ganoderic acid in Standard solution A
rS… Read More
MANNITOL INJECTION Assay USP37–NF32 3653 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Change:
Mobile phase, Resolution solution, and Chromatographic system—Proceed as directed in the Assay under Mannitol.
Mobile phase—Use degassed water.
Resolution solution—Dissolve sorbitol and USP Mannitol RS in water to obtain a… Read More
SACCHARIN SODIUM IDENTIFICATION/B. Procedure USP37–NF32 4638 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Analysis: Change
To the Sample solution
To 10 mL of the Sample solution
ZANAMIVIR ASSAY/Procedure/Chromatographic system USP37–NF32 5197 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Column: Change
5-μm packing L##1
5-μm packing L82
Delete footnote 1
COPOVIDONE IMPURITIES/Limit of Monomers (1-Vinyl-2-Pyrrolidone, Vinyl Acetate, and 2-Pyrrolidone) USP37–NF32 5938 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 29 of Analysis: Change
Calculate the content of 2-pyrrolidinone
Calculate the content of 2-pyrrolidone
GLYCERYL BEHENATE DEFINITION Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 7077 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 7: Change
behenic (docosanic) acid
behenic (docosanoic) acid
<1788> METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF PARTICULATE MATTER IN INJECTIONS AND OPHTHALMIC SOLUTIONS LIGHT OBSCURATION PARTICLE COUNT TEST/Instrument Standardization Tests/Particle Counting Accuracy—System Suitability USP37–NF32 1301 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 11 of Method 2—Multichannel Instruments: Change
NMT ±10% of stated size.
NMT ±10% of stated concentration.
GANODERMA LUCIDUM FRUITING BODY COMPOSITION/Content of Triterpenoic Acids Revision Bulletin (Official August 01, 2014) Online 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution A: Change
USP Ganoderic Acid RS
USP Ganoderic Acid A RS
Line 3 of variable definition list in Analysis: Change
rS = peak area of ganoderic acid in Standard solution A
rS… Read More
FLUTAMIDE ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 3057 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of Sample solution: Change
Dissolve the sample in acetonitrile
Dissolve a previously dried sample in acetonitrile
PETROLATUM IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure: Organic Acids USP37–NF32 4253 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
20.0 g of Petrolatum in 100 mL of neutralized alcohol and water (1:2).
20.0 g of Petrolatum in 100 mL of a 1 in 2 mixture of neutralized alcohol and water.
SULFAMETHOXAZOLE AND TRIMETHOPRIM ORAL SUSPENSION ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 4785 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 3 of Standard solution: Change
in Mobile phase from Sample stock solution
in Mobile phase from Standard stock solution
TRIBASIC CALCIUM PHOSPHATE ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 5883 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Delete the subsection
Blank: Proceed as directed in the Analysis, omitting the test specimen.
Equation in Analysis: Change
Result = {[VSVB) × M × F]/W} × 100
Result = [(VRead More
TRAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE IMPURITIES/Limit of Trazodone Related Compound F and Cyclophosphamide Related Compound A/Chromatographic system/MS conditions First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6708 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 4 of Acquisition mode:Change
MEBENDAZOLE ASSAY/Procedure Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 7199 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 3 of Analysis: Change
Calculate the percentage of each impurity in the portion of Oral Suspension taken:
Calculate the percentage of mebendazole (C16H13N3O3) in the portion of Mebendazole taken:
DOLASETRON MESYLATE CHEMICAL INFORMATION USP37–NF32 2693 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 7: Change
Anhydrous [115956-13-3].
FENTANYL ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 Online 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Delete
USP Fentanyl Related Compound C RS
USP Fentanyl Related Compound F RS
METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> USP37–NF32 3732 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Equation in Test 1: Change
Result = [(AU/AS) × CS × (VVS) + (C60 ×VS) + (C180 ×VS) ×100]/L
Result = [(AU… Read More
SACCHARIN SODIUM IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure 1: Limit of Toluenesulfonamides USP37–NF32 4638 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 4 of Acceptance criteria: Change
of the Internal standard solution
of the caffeine (internal standard)
ZANAMIVIR IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Chromatographic system USP37–NF32 5197 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Column: Change
5-μm packing L##1
5-μm packing L82
CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE SPECIFIC TESTS/Optical Rotation, Specific Rotation <781> First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6617 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Sample: Change
100 mg/mL in water
100 mg/mL in water at 20°
HYDROXYPROPYL CELLULOSE ASSAY Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 7080 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Internal standard solution: Change
CEFADROXIL FOR ORAL SUSPENSION IDENTIFICATION/Thin-Layer Chromatography/Chromatographic system USP37–NF32 2182 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of Developing solvent system: Change
(60: 40: 1.5)
GANODERMA LUCIDUM FRUITING BODY SPECIFIC TESTS/Botanical Characteristics Revision Bulletin (Official August 01, 2014) Online 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 6 of Macroscopic: Change
concentrically culcate
concentrically sulcate
LAMIVUDINE AND ZIDOVUDINE TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP37–NF32 3484 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Row 17 of Column 1 of Table 2: Change
(the limit includes individual unidentified impurities)
(the limit includes individual unspecified impurities)
WHITE PETROLATUM IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure: Organic Acids USP37–NF32 4254 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
20.0 g in 100 mL of neutralized alcohol and water (1:2).
20.0 g of White Petrolatum in 100 mL of a 1 in 2 mixture of neutralized alcohol and water.
SULFAMETHOXAZOLE AND TRIMETHOPRIM TABLETS ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 4787 1-Dec-2014 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 3 of Standard solution: Change
in Mobile phase from Sample stock solution
in Mobile phase from Standard stock solution
STERILE WATER FOR IRRIGATION CHEMICAL INFORMATION USP37–NF32 5175 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Add the chemical formula and molecular weight:
H2O 18.02
POWDERED CELLULOSE IDENTIFICATION/B. Procedure USP37–NF32 5923 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Fourth equation in Analysis: Change
Result = 95 × [η]c/WS × [(100 − %LOD)/100]
Result = [95 × [η]c]/{WS × [(100 − %LOD)/100]}
BETAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATE IMPURITIES/Limit of Free Betamethasone USP37–NF32 1965 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Sample stock solution: Change
1.0 mg/mL of Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate in water
1.0 mg/mL of Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate in water, prepared as follows. Dissolve 25.0 mg of Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate in water to make 25.0 mL.
DROSPIRENONE AND ETHINYL ESTRADIOL TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Chromatographic system USP37–NF32 2739 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of Detector 2: Change
Monitor the signal at 344 nm between 37 and 42 min.
Monitor the signal at 344 nm for ethinyl estradiol related compound B (typically between 37 and 42 min).
PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 4481 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of System suitability solution: Change
0.02 mg/mL of USP Ephedrine Sulfate RS
0.002 mg/mL of USP Ephedrine Sulfate RS
STERILE WATER FOR INJECTION CHEMICAL INFORMATION USP37–NF32 5175 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Add the chemical formula and molecular weight:
H2O 18.02
STERILE PURIFIED WATER ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS USP37–NF32 5176 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Add a section:
USP Reference Standards <11>
USP 1,4-Benzoquinone RS
USP Sucrose RS
DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6626 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution:
2.2 μg/mL of USP Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate RS in Diluent,
2.8 μg/mL of USP Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate RS in Diluent,
ESCITALOPRAM ORAL SOLUTION IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP37–NF32 2580 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Row 6 of Column 1 of Table 3: Change
KETOPROFEN EXTENDED-RELEASE CAPSULES PERFORMANCE TESTS/Uniformity of Dosage Units <905>/System suitability/Suitability requirements USP37–NF32 3469 1-Oct-2014 USP39–NF34 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Tailing factor: Change
NLT 1.5
NMT 1.5